XPrint 1.1
This program is for printing indoor targets on a single 8x11 sheet of paper (or whatever your printer default size is). Yes, you won't see the entire target if you choose a multiple layout, but the inner zones will still be real-life size. That way you can practice with separate targets printed on a single page. If you wish, you can print a single, standard size target. It's up to you.... And you can choose colored printouts, or gray or black&white. Save your colored inks!
Here is a sample screen-shot. This is a Visual Basic 6 program and the zip file contains everything you need for a normal installation. NOTE: there has been one report of a problem with this software running under Windows 98 SE operating system. Please consider upgrading your operating system! With that said, I don't know how it will run under Vista. Feedback would be appreciated.
Right-click and choose "Save Link To..." or the equivalent to download XPrint11.zip (2.5 megabytes)
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